Dear CEEL Students and Families,
My name is Thea Park and I am the CEEL Supervisor for Corl Street Elementary School. I grew up in State College and had a wonderful, firsthand experience with the State College Area School District and currently take pride in being a part of. After graduating from the State College Area High School in 2009, I went on to attend Pennsylvania State University and obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies. After I finished my schooling, I went into the social work field which fueled my desire to work with children and ensure that all children are given the opportunities that they deserve to learn and grow. I enjoy spending time with my family, reading a good book and being outdoors!
We are excited to begin a new school year and look forward to seeing new and familiar faces next week! Parents and Guardians, there are several things you can do to help your child have a smooth transition, particularly in the first weeks of school. Please read the following list carefully.
Send a note/email to your child's teacher on the first day of school. Let the teacher know the details regarding your child's after school plan including what days of the week they are enrolled to attend. This is important and helps ensure your child's safety.
For pickup, you will be asked to come to the front doorbell and ring it upon arrival. You will let the staff member who greets you know who you are picking up and wait outside/in the airlock for your child to come to you.
Please have a photo ID with you each day at pick up for the first couple weeks of school until we get to know you. Note that we are unable to allow families and siblings to use the restroom, visit the classroom, or check lost and found.
If there is a change in your child’s schedule, please let me know ahead of time so I can be prepared. We all have busy schedules with dentist appointments, meetings, and even unplanned changes throughout the day. When you contact the school for any change or message, please be sure to alert me, as well. If we do not receive a message from you and your child is not present for attendance, we will call to make sure your child is safe. You can contact me by email or you may call/text the CEEL cell phone (see below).
Students will not be permitted to use personal electronic devices at the CEEL program. Personal items will remain in student backpacks to avoid loss or damage. Be sure to label backpacks, jackets, water bottles, etc. with your child's name.
We serve a snack daily which may include items such as pretzels, graham crackers, cheese sticks, raisins, and apple slices. Your child is welcome to bring an additional snack, but please keep in mind that Community Education programs are NUT FREE. Should a student bring a snack which includes nuts, he or she will not be able to consume it during CEEL. If your child has specific allergies or food intolerances, please let me know immediately.
Kindergarten families - Kindergarten students do not have a full day of school on Tuesday August 27, so we will welcome them to the CEEL program on Wednesday August 28.
A Parent Handbook is available online at the main CEEL website linked here. Please familiarize yourself with expectations and procedures prior to the first day of school.
Registration for enrichment offerings will open on Friday August 30th at 10:00 a.m. and will remain open until Friday September 6th at 10:00 a.m. Visit the main CEEL website and click the Click Here image to log in to your account and register when the registration period begins. A description of the various offerings is attached.
You must submit a form to request a sibling discount. That form can be found by clicking the Forms tab here. Forms submitted now will be reviewed and applicable discounts applied prior to the September payment.
If you wish to request financial assistance, information about the ChildCare Works subsidy can be found on the CEEL homepage.
Make sure all online account information is up to date including emergency contact info and contact details for individuals authorized to pick-up your child. There is no need to add parents/guardians as Emergency Contacts or Authorized for Pick-up. Please be sure all parents/ guardians are listed under Parents and add Emergency Contacts and Authorized for Pick-up as appropriate.
Students, at long last, this part is for you! Please remember that CEEL stands for Community Education Extended Learning. That means that the CEEL program is a continuation of your school day. You will have the chance to eat a snack, enjoy some interesting classes, play, see your friends, and have fun! The school classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, students and staff are to be respected the same way at CEEL as during the regular school day. We'll be going over the basic CEEL rules together, so you will know what to expect at CEEL from the very first day.
Finally, please look for me at the Ice Cream Social scheduled for tonight, Wednesday August 21st at 6:00. I will also be present at 5:30 for new families to the school.
Thanks again for joining us at this year’s CEEL program. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Thea Park